
User Research 
UI Design
Concept Development
Business Analysis

Payroll for Remote Teams

A simple intuitive payroll system paired with a mobile app for employees to log attendance, request PTO and expense reimbursements


User Interface Design - Mobile App for Staff


Upon logging in, team members can see their total working hours for the day, the current pay period and scrollable daily hours.

Additionally, they can clock in for the day by pressing the button to scan their face or clicking the middle blue navigation item.

Verify by Face Scan

The employee mobile applications allows face scans to automatically verify and log attendance, streamlining the payroll process for both employees and the company.

Taking Breaks

The same face scan process allows employees to streamline the logging of their breaks and clocking out.

Time Off

This section of the app allows employees to see their remaining time off categories, directly request one (integrated with the admin web app to be approved).

All active requests can be tracked here as well.

Lastly, the company holidays will be shown here, updated through the admin platforms allowing employees to plan their vacations in advance.


This section of the applications allows employees to easily request expense reimbursements, track the status of requests, receive payments through their method of choice.

These requests will be automatically fed into the admin platform -- streamlining the process for both employees and the company.

User Interface Design - Admin Web Application


The Dashboard features several useful widgets: critical metric cards, payroll calendar, historical overview, activity log and urgent required actions pertaining to payroll.

Dark Theme

The application features an easy-toggle dark theme as well -- which some users found easier on the eyes and preferred to use during usability testing.

Pay Run

Easy 5-step guided process makes performing pay runs exclusively easy to use. In addition to setting up profile to do automatic calculations, admin has the option to further edit/make changes during it as well. Admin can run multiple pay runs, cancel or edit.